Applied Behavior Analysis
Locations: Southaven & Clarksdale
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes deficits in social communication and interactions, as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors. Each child with autism is a unique individual. Our clinic uses tailored ABA therapy programs that are aimed at supporting them in their environment.
ABA applies psychological and learning theories to help children with autism acquire new skills and reduce challenging behaviors. Our focus is on language acquisition skills and teaching behaviors that will improve functioning in a classroom setting (e.g., sitting at a table, waiting, etc.), as well as reducing aggression and self-injurious behaviors.
Family Approach
Our clinic also includes parent training components to our ABA programs to help ensure children quickly generalize skills taught in clinic to other settings including their home and school.
One-on-one Therapy
We offer one-on-one therapy with registered behavior technicians (RBT) who are supervised by board certified behavior analysts (BCBA). Although therapy sessions have a 1:1 ratio with RBTs and children, all sessions will allow for interactions and play with other children at their developmental level.
Explanation of and Determination of Interest for ABA Services
Applied Behavior Analysis, otherwise referred to as ABA therapy, is a therapy that is organized and planned by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst [BCBA] (also Licensed Behavior Analyst [LBA] in applicable states) or a qualified health provider (e.g. Licensed Psychologist). Generally speaking, ABA is overseen by a BCBA/LBA and implemented by a registered behavior technician [RBT]. The BCBA/LBA will request and review any formal documentation of previous evaluations or services provided, conduct a semi-structured parent interview alongside a direct assessment of skills as well as an assessment of maladaptive behaviors that impede an individual’s ability to learn from their natural environment and develop a treatment plan to address any skill deficits or behavioral excesses. Ongoing supervision and training for your child’s team of RBTs and caregivers will be provided by the BCBA/LBA of record, or in extenuating circumstances by another BCBA/LBA working for IPS or the Director of Behavioral Services. The treatment plan will have objective and measurable goals as well as refer to how the client performed at baseline and what the standard for mastery will be. RBTs will take data on all goals outlined in their treatment plan and report that data back to the BCBA.
General organizational structure for ABA services with IPS:
Focused Treatment: 8-20 hours a week of direct services provided by an RBT
With focused treatment, generally speaking, 1-3 skill domains or maladaptive behaviors are identified for improvement and goals are written specifically for those domains. *Typically provided during after school hours 3-5pm M-Th
Comprehensive Treatment: 20-40 hours a week of direct services provided by a RBT
With comprehensive treatment the BCBA assesses all domains for skills as well as maladaptive behavior and a plan to collectively address all areas of need is developed. *Typically provided between the hours of 8:30-2:30 M-F
Services often begin with comprehensive treatment and as progress is made the client/family would transition to focused treatment, and then to a consultation model until the client/family has met all of the pre-identified goals for discharge.
If it is determined that services in a different discipline or more intensive needs are identified or recommended a formal referral will be made by the clinician on record.