Appreciating and Celebrating Each Other

The final part of being a hospitable leader is appreciating and celebrating each other! Sometimes it feels like we (me) are always rushing to the next time and it is important for us to take time to celebrate our successes, no matter how big or small, along the way (hence a pizza party for completing all of our notes for a given week!).

Step one: SAY THANK YOU! Saying thank you to each other when we help with even the smallest things goes a long way! I love seeing all of the praise — especially from Nikki and Peyton, who are constantly recognizing their peers for all of their hard work in the chats! Tying this in with specificity — better known in our field as behavior-specific praise — will help increase the likelihood the behavior will happen again in the future!

At IPS, we strive to build a company culture of appreciation, as we want to honor each person who actively contributes to making IPS a great place to come to every day! Sometimes it can be easy to focus on what isn’t working and not enough focus on what is working! We can actively do this by celebrating the small victories! In the leadership team, we will continue to share our company successes as we attain them! Like moving to larger space in our Southaven and Cleveland clinics, and Clarksdale had the opportunity to move to a new and bigger space in fall of 2022 (with BIG plans for the future of that space coming in 2027ish)!

This week, I’d like for each of you to think about the last time you appreciated someone at work for all of their help? What is a simple way you can show your appreciation for someone at work this week? — bonus points if you shout it out in the chat showing that you’ve read this far in the newsletter! Thanks for taking the time to read all of these newsletters! The first 5 people who tell me via personal chat that they read this far will receive a gift card to show my appreciation for reading all of the content that I take the time to write!


Teaching the Values