Putting the Mission First

The first and most important part of being a hospitable leader is putting the mission of our organization first! Did you know IPS had a mission statement? It is in our handbook and posted proudly on our website, I’ll copy it here so we can refresh our memories:

Irby Psychological Services seeks to expand behavioral health and related services within our community and empower people to grow throughout the lifespan.

I won’t have us all memorize it, but if you do, I may have a gift card for those who can recite it to me in the hallway or at a Friday meeting! ;)

Putting the mission first requires 3 steps:

  1. Communicate it to others, which is honestly why I decided to write a few blogs about our training! I wanted each of you to immerse yourselves into the mission of IPS. The more we speak about and discuss our mission, the more likely we are to make it a reality!

  2. Plan ways to make the mission a reality! A mission without a plan is only a wish is what Kat Gordon said in our training. So what is our plan? Our plan is to recruit and retain an awesome staff who help establish a fun, collaborative work environment where all are welcome! We continue to adapt and adjust our methods for training new staff in order to streamline the process for becoming RBTs, we increase continuing education opportunities for our staff, and encourage collaborative team meetings to help our clients receive the best care that we can provide! There are many other items on our “plan” for meeting the mission, honestly, too many to list in a single blog post!

  3. Protect is the final piece. Hospitable leaders protect the mission at all costs by reducing distractions and implementing boundaries (*note: we each are responsible for establishing our own boundaries).

I’d like for each of you to reflect on ways you can share the mission of IPS with others this week (and beyond)! Join me next week for our 4th installment: Welcoming and Serving Others!


Welcome and Serve


Why “Hospitable” Leadership?