Welcome and Serve

The second part of being a hospitable leader is welcoming and serving others! Others include our clients, co-workers, and colleagues.
When welcoming and serving others, it is important to focus on giving, not on getting. Statements like “I am so glad you’re here!” with a smile and a wave while greeting our coworkers and clients as they arrive. We should also continue to greet and welcome each other every day to help build a connection and build the welcoming culture of IPS. Ultimately, this helps us practice what we preach and demonstrate that we are working toward the common goal of building hospitable leaders throughout the organization.

To do this, we must also welcome ideas from others with enthusiasm and and acceptance — working toward being less defensive when others provide us with corrective feedback — this helps encourage others on the team to speak up and voice their concerns so that we can actively work as a team to solve systemic problems. I encourage us to all ask each other “what curiosities do you have?” when we are problem solving together to help soften the directness of our questions!

I’d like for each of you to reflect on what you can do within the first 5 minutes of arriving to work to serve those around you — bonus points if you shout it out in the chat showing that you’ve read this far in the newsletter! Join me next week for our 5th installment: Practicing Generous Authority!


Generous Authority


Putting the Mission First