IPS Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviors

Sign-up to attend our IPS Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviors 11 week session adapted from a variety of evidence based manualized treatments including the RUBI Autism Network. The training is a step-by-step guide to help improve care for families and children with autism, ADHD, and related diagnoses (e.g., oppositional defiant disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety, etc.). 


Self Pay ONLY if you are not enrolled in our ABA program.

$250 if paid in full at the beginning or $35 per week. Reach out to our office staff if you'd like to request our Sliding Fee Application form to apply for a reduced rate. If you sign up and do not attend sessions, you will be charged a no show fee (see financial agreement when you sign new patient paperwork). After 2 consecutive no-call/no-shows, you will be removed from the cohort. Sessions will be recorded and if you have to miss a session, you can request access to the weekly recording if you've paid for that session.

Virtual Training: This training will all be conducted virtually, unless otherwise requested.


Mondays @ 5:15 pm starting February 24th (and running 11 weeks, minus holidays)